5 Tips For Preserving Your Belongings In Self-Storage

Storing your belongings in self-storage can help to make space in your home and keep your items safe amidst the chaos of everyday life, but only if you store them properly to preserve the items.

Pacific Rim Storage has all of the tools that you need to preserve your belongings in self-storage, and we also have a few tips for you.

  • Tip #1 - Clean Your Items Before Storing

    One of the most important tips for preserving your items in storage is to make sure that they are clean before they go into storage. If your belongings go into storage with a thick layer of dust or sticky spills, guess what they are going to come out with? A very thick layer of dust and those same sticky spills.

    Give all of your belongings a good wipe down or run through the laundry before storing, and cover as much as you can with a sheet or pack in boxes.

  • Tip #2 - Take Extra Care With Fragile Items

    If you are storing fragile items such as glassware, porcelain trinkets, or picture frames, it’s important to take a bit extra care when packing those items for storage. Use bubble wrap to give fragile items some extra cushion, pack them in proper sized boxes so that they don’t have too much room, and label boxes with fragile items. You should also keep fragile items low in your storage unit, as they are more at risk of falling the higher up they are stored.

  • Tip #3 - Use Boxes When Possible

    It is smart to use boxes when possible for storing items in your storage unit. Not only will boxes give your valuables an extra layer of protection, but they will help to make your unit more organized and allow you to fit more in your space. A disorganized storage unit is a recipe for disaster, so make sure to utilize boxes secured with packing tape and stack them neatly when you can.

  • Tip #4 - Keep Items Off Of The Floor

    For extra protection from cold and moisture, you may consider raising your items off of the floors of your storage unit. You can do this with pallets or even lay cardboard or a drop cloth on the floor before you pack your storage unit. This will help to keep moisture from seeping into your boxes or the legs of furniture.

  • Tip #5 - Choose A Reputable Storage Facility

    Where you store your precious items is just as important as how you store them. A reputable storage facility like Pacific Rim Storage will offer secure storage options that are best suited to your needs. Each of our facilities offers a number of security features to keep your valuables safe, including perimeter fencing and surveillance cameras. We also have a variety of storage unit size options and select facilities can offer storage for vehicles, boats, and RVs.

funny businesswoman holding storage boxes

In addition to these features that are non-negotiables, in our opinion, we also offer everything that you need to store your items properly, including locks, boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, furniture and mattress covers, moving blankets, and more.

When you return for your items, whether they be stored short-term or long-term, you want to make sure that they are in great condition. Preparation and proper packing at a reputable storage facility like Pacific Rim Storage is necessary for preserving your stored items. If you’re ready to store, find the location closest to you and we would be able to help you find the right unit and supplies for your storage needs.